Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Between Us

The Distance between us is the disparity in our visions.

I am on the road early morning, walking to the nearby church to attend the holy mass. It is part of my daily routine. On the way I think of hundreds of matters like the things happening around and comparing them with the past and it’s impact on future. Developments possible but not occur worries me. At last I pacify myself thinking that I am successful at least to keep up my neutral way of adjusting to circumstances. Today my thoughts went like this. Does the circumstance form us or we create the circumstances? What is the relationship between my circumstance and me? It is very intimate but for adjustments, I presume.

I enter the church, attend the mass, and walk back home. Again I start thinking of this and that, but especially the material returns of my prayers, which are not, satisfied by the God I call upon. What is the distance between my God and me even after attending the holy mass after crossing 4 kms. a day multiplied by 365 days and again multiplied by years? Oh my God! sitting in heaven, why such long distances you make me walk to see you and still not in vicinity? I am getting old and tired. Which is the way that I can have an easy access to the Omni Potent? I know if I look for only I can find out a way. I start searching the easy way. I see the parallel road and the same beggar everyday walking on it. I understand that the distance between the beggar walking on the other road and me is not much but never bother to look at his face. I could not see it incidentally also because we are walking on the parallel roads divided by a divider. But simply I try to assess the distance between us. I observed it just from the views of people like me. They look up high to see me and look down to see the beggar as I look up to see the God in heaven and look down to see the beggars on earth. But the beggar looks upon all of us like me look up for God in heaven. Though the distance between us is equal, accessibility is unequal. Whomever he begs to is his God or God’s loved ones for the beggar, whereas I search for the heavens to find out the Him who can give me everything I want.

Morning I was returning from the church. Labors of PWD had started the repair work of the parallel road. I watched the beggar coming opposite to me. Incidentally my eyes met his. He showed his palm to me for alms. I had no change with me in the purse kept in my folded palm. I had to deny even a look of sympathy to him lest he asks again. He uttered while passing me “ Amma you are coming from the church after seeing your God and begging him to satisfy all your needs and I am approaching you for a bit of kindness from the abundant of it that your God has given you. We both are begging to Him. He gave you more to share with me. My palm stretched to you is the easiest accessible support for you to catch upon the steps to heaven to see the invisible but Omni potent. If you can’t recognize me you won’t be able to recognize the God in heaven because your God is the kindness showered upon you. That is not in heaven, but is within you in the cells of your heart. Unfold your palm take it out in your palm, keep in my palm as alms and look at my face. There you will see your heaven and I will be the God there, recognized and accepted by you.” Whenever you did this for one of the least important of those brothers of mine, you did it for me”(Holy Bible, St. Mathew 25:40). Until this happens you will be searching your God, never to find. The distance between us, as well as you and your God in heaven, is only of an unfolded palm.” He walked away enabling me to think about the distance formed between us due to the disparity in our visions.




Mamma, Mamma my dear
Where are you lost in thought?
I know your thoughts and pains
Lose me not in unpleasant thoughts
The deeds that lose me your love
Cherish the pleasant presence of
Good around you in nature present
Look at my shining eyes that twinkle
Like the violet diamond dazzling

Mamma, my mamma once you decided
To bear me from my dad in your womb
Let the gene of be +ve blood pass on to me
As you and me are inseparable by cord and code
The umbilical cord and conduct code
Manifest me to be your life on earth
It is my right to be with you within you
Never try to terminate me out from you
It is our right to live together and love

Let my roots be stern in your womb as a plant
Strong enough to grow up and support
To be the big tree that shades you from hot sun
Nourish me with your pleasant thoughts
Please me with your hopes for good and pride
Let the good in me come out with me to be
The fair way to know the good in you and me
Look at my rosy lips that bloom to be ready
To kiss the love of me to you and dad too

Save me and love me to keep up our dignity
The only way to upkeep both of us alive
Be brave and keep up your magnanimity
For the distinction of our entire race
Be not weak in love to me ever
As I want to be your strength for ever
To live our life righteously with Lord
Realizing the righteousness of His deeds in
Values of love and justice that stand


Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Chances rule us friends
Don’t rule it out
Chances do not wait
Utilize it before it utilizes you

Caught up in hostage
Russia is striving
A father is wailing in Beslan
Staring at the identification lists

Listen his wailing murmur
“My son is too young
to utter his identity, since
chance I have to take to know

You are just three
What do you know dear
What did you tell them
for your father’s identity

Whether my son knows
His mother is a Russian
His father is a Chechnyan
And he is both of ours dearest

If he is alive among them
It is a chance for me
To make him a Russian
Or to make him a Chechnyan

Chechnyans or Russians
Christians or Muslims
Let us realize my brethern
Rule of law we abandoned ruthlessly

We are taking chances
We have forgotten principle
The principle of natural justice
The great rule giving chances

We are not knowing friends
We are ruled by chances
We can give or take chances
But not the truth of conscience

Look at the list displayed
List of dead and alive
Listen the wailing heard
Longing for the chance of luck

How to know my dear?
Which is the list I have to
Look for your information
List of dead or alive to identify?

Let me wait for it
For my chance to look at you
To decide whether dead or alive
As a Chechnyan or Rusian

Let us wait for our chance my son
To meet and utilize our chance
The chance for our survival
Before it utilizes entire human race.”


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ann's Poems

Perishing visions, vanishing virtues
Weiring woes, hushing hues
Mother earth, we are in peril

Green turns black, white to red
wait for rain in vain
lust to grow is raw
yes we are in peril

Love is in barter, means are insane
ways not in sway no passion
we are in peril of perish

Bucks count everything
while rugs rust the life
survival of the fittest
save the cause of compassion
we exist in peril to survive